
【看英文中國郵報學英文】武漢肺炎造成人心惶惶(又名:新型冠狀病毒、COVID-19),世界各地開始出現「排華潮」。The ongoing virus outbreak has sent the world into a frenzy and translated into a soaring “anti-Asian sentiment” worldwide.日前美國饒舌歌手卡什多爾(Kash Doll)便在IG發文放上迪士尼公主合照。American rapper Kash Doll’s recent post of Disney Princesses on Instagram highlights this trend.照片中所有公主都戴上口罩,只有「花木蘭」沒有,被眾人痛批是嚴重種族歧視。All princesses except Mulan are wearing face masks which many online have decried as being utterly racist.卡什多爾的IG發出一張「哏圖」,照片中像是白雪公主、睡美人、灰姑娘與《阿拉丁》的茉莉公主都戴上口罩,只有代表華人身份的花木蘭沒有,照片還寫上:「抱歉,木蘭,誰知道呢?」The meme shows Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Jasmine wearing face masks, leaving Mulan with a broad smile on her face. The words, “Sorry ‘MULAN’ but we never know,” were written on the picture.雖然卡什多爾在自己的IG是寫上:「現在機場的情況。」但她在這種敏感時機發這樣圖,被網友們指出是歧視黃種人、華人身上帶有病毒,還不願意配合戴口罩。Although Kash Doll seemed to be merely describing a scene at the airport, many users pointed out that it was incredibly insensitive as it insinuates all Asians carry the virus and don’t cooperate with wearing face masks.卡什多爾被罵到臭頭,目前已經在IG刪除了這則貼文,不過截圖早已在推特瘋傳,網友更痛罵她身為有色人種,竟然帶頭開啟種族霸凌,這種行為太讓人不齒,紛喊「一點都不好笑」!The backlash eventually reached the singer as the post has since been deleted from her feed. However, the screenshot of the meme is still circulating on Twitter, and many users were quick to condemn that as a person of color (POC), she should know better.這次的武漢肺炎,由於「首波人類感染的病例」是從大陸開始,許多人便認為就是因為中國人不當的飲食習慣,才會導致病毒擴散。As the Wuhan virus outbreak originated in China, many attributed the epidemic to the country’s habit of eating exotic foods.大陸儼然被國際視為「病毒發源地」。 Deemed as the source of the virus, Chinese people became subject to discrimination and mockery.舉凡丹麥畫家曾以戲謔方式繪圖,把大陸五星國旗都變成「病毒星星」惹議。 A Danish artist created an illustration that was also controversial when he replaced the stars on the People’s Republic of China flag with drawings of the virus.日本、南韓、印尼、香港、美國有些餐廳門口,甚至都貼上「不招待中國人」的標語。 Many restaurants in Japan, S. Korea, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and the U.S. also put up signs that said “No Chinese allowed.”新加坡跟馬來西亞的人民還集體連署,要政府最近禁止大陸人入境。People in Singapore and Malaysia even signed a petition to ask their respective governments to ban Chinese people from entering the country.眼見病毒危機上升到了種族仇恨,需要更多的包容和關懷才能渡過難關。As the virus continues to spread, more tolerance and care may be needed to get through this challenging period.更多 ChinaPost 新聞 日本超神訂製口罩爆紅 可重複使用100次 記憶臉型防脫妝 | Japan face masks are a lifesaver for one more reason 移民署入出境證明:國外也能申請 | Taiwanese travelers can apply for Certificate of Entry and Exit Dates online 今年首例「傷寒」高雄市 菲籍移工 現已康復並持續追蹤|Filipino migrant contracts typhoid fever in Kaohsiung

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